Roadlife Australia – Fatigue Management

Roadlife Australia – Fatigue Management

28/04/2020 Off By admin

The most important thing a truck driver needs to do is manage their fatigue. Not doing so can have consequences nobody wants to face. Most experts agree that 20 to 30% of fatal road crashes involve driver fatigue. Many factors can cause tiredness while you are driving, not the least of which can be boredom, but there are also environmental factors to consider. Not getting enough rest before a journey and things like turning the heating up during the winter can leave the cabin of your vehicle stuffy and make you feel drowsy. Pull over where you can and walk around if you start to feel tired, but never ignore it! In the end, there is only one cure for driver fatigue, and that is sleep. If you are constantly feeling fatigued and normal rest and sleep don’t help, you should go and see your doctor. There may be underlying health issues that must be investigated and addressed to ensure everyone’s safety on the road.

Executive Producer: Stephen McCarthy. Operations/Producer/Presenter: Sarah McCarthy Screen Writer: Jessica Ferrari

Produced by Whiteline Television Canberra with support from the NHVR heavy vehicle safety initiative.